Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Tutorial Photoshop Avatar

A la sortie du film avatar de James Cameron nous allons voir comment transformer un visage comme un na'vi du film avatar.
Pourquoi pas Johnny Deep qui ferait l'affiche ? Pour ce tutoriel photoshop je prends donc une photo de lui.
Je vous conseille d'utiliser une photo un peu contrastée sur fond noir si possible.
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Passez là en noir et blanc. Menu image -> réglages -> désaturation. (CTRL+SHIFT+U)
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Dupliquez ce calque. Menu calque -> dupliquez le calque. (Dans la fenêtre calque -> clic droit sur le calque -> dupliquez le calque)

On va flouter un peu cette copie. Menu Filtre -> Atténuation -> Flou de surface. Voici mes réglages :
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Voilà ce que ça donne
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Maintenant les personnages dans le film avatar semblent avoir un nez large et des narines un peu "droites".
Pour cela allez dans le menu filtre -> fluidité et utilisez le premier outil en haut à gauche.

Cliquez glissez pour avoir un rendu un peu comme cela
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Appliquez une texture un peu comme celle-ci (image ci-dessous, copiez coller l'image)
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et passez le calque de cette texture en mode incrustation. Vous devriez avoir un rendu un peu comme celui-ci
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Maintenant créez un nouveau calque. Calque -> nouveau -> calque. (CTRL+SHIFT+N)
Mettez en couleur de premier plan la couleur bleu avec le code 003e6a et remplissez le calque. Menu édition -> remplir. (raccourci ALT+BACKSPACE)
Passez le calque en mode incrustation.
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On va récupérer un oeil de l'affiche
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Copier coller le et gommer avec l'outil gomme Outil  gomme la peau de l'avatar, pour laisser apparaitre la peau de celle de votre photo.
N'hésitez pas à orienter/réduire votre oeil. Menu édition -> transformation -> homothétie (CTRL+T)
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Voilà pour l'oeil à droite
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Pour l'autre je fais une simple symétrie. Menu édition transformation -> symétrie horizontale
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Maintenant revenez sur le calque de l'image dupliquez où l'on avait appliquez un flou de surface. (Allez dans la fenêtre calque et cliquez sur le calque concerné)
Prenez l'outil gomme Outil  gomme effacer les éléments qui doivent rester net sur votre photo. Là en l'occurence sa moustache, bouque, sourcils.
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A présent Nous allons créé les lueurs présentes sur le visage des avatars.
On créé un nouveau calque. Menu calque -> nouveau -> calque. (CTRL+SHIFT+N)
Prenez l'outil pinceau Outil pinceau avec une forme d'un contour adouci.
Passez la couleur d'avant plan en blanc. Appuyez sur D (pour passer en noir en avant plan et blanc en arrière plan) puis sur X (pour inverser les couleurs).
Faites un clic là où vous voulez proche de l'oeil
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On va appliquez un peu d'effet.
D'abord une lueur externe. Menu calque -> style de calque -> Lueur externe. (Dans la fenêtre calque, double cliquez sur le calque -> lueur externe.
Voici mes réglages
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Puis une lueur interne
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Et pour finir une incrustation de de couleur
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Pour enfin arriver à ça
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Reprenez l'outil pinceau Outil pinceau et changer la taille de la forme.
Répétez l'opération toujours sur le même calque
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Maintenant dupliquez le calque. Menu calque -> dupliquez le calque et effectuez une symétrie horizontale. Menu édition -> transformation -> symétrie horizontale.
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A présent mettez en un peu là où vous le souhaitez
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Voilà le résultat final. Jonnhy Depp en avatar.
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Pour info la police de caractère de l'affiche du film avatar semble être papyrus d'après le site WhatTheFont.

Voici un aperçu avant après
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Tutorial Photoshop merubah foto BW jd warna

Ajaib.. Ajaib.. dan Ajaib... Hal itulah yang dulu pernah saya ucapkan ketika melihat teman saya mengubah dengan Adobe photoshop sehingga foto hitam putihnya menjadi berwarna, sekarang saya akan bagikan rahasia photoshop itu kepada anda...

Ok langsung saja, begini caranya:

Pada prinsipnya caranya sama seperti cara Efek Foto Dual Colors Max

1. Buka Gambar hitam putih anda dengan photoshop
Disini saya menggunakan foto teman saya
Klik gambar untuk memperbesar...

Download gambar

2. Ok Waktunya beraksi...

Ubah Foreground menjadi hitam dan Background menjadi putih
lalu klik Edit in Quick Mask Mode

3. Warnai Bagian kulit terlebih dahulu dengan Brush Tool

Kok jadi merah?? Tenang aja karena itu hanya untuk menandai bagian seleksi saja...
Nah setelah itu klik pada yang ditunjuk panah untuk masuk ke Edit in Standart Mode

Nah pasti muncul garis putus-putus kan.,,, itulah yang dinamakan daerah seleksi
Cukup mari kita lanjutkan saja...
setelah itu lakukan inverse dengan klik Ctrl + Shift + i (bersama - sama)

Ok mari kita lakukan pewarnaan
Caranya tekan Ctrl + U
Setting seperti ini:


Nah sekarang kulitnya sudah berwarna... ;)

4. Nah tinggal mewarnai bagian Bibir, Baju, dan Background... dan Matanya...
Langkah-langkahnya seperti di atas... (sekedar intermezo aja... paling menyenangkan mewarnai bagian mata...)

Before (Sebelum diedit)

Foto Hitam Putih

After (Setelah diedit) - Klik untuk memperbesar tampilan

Tutorial Photoshop X-Men

Tutorial Photoshop Kali ni kita akan membuat manipulasi foto sehingga tampak seolah - olah gambar object seseorang di dalam foto seperti dikelilingi oleh api... ini kebalikan dari "LADY in the WATER" hehehe...

Langsung mule aja gan, ini tuto saya bkin mirip sm yg saya posting gan.. smpai detilnya deh ya??? hehehe...

1. Bikin new page dulu gan sizenya mah terserah... backroundnya item ya...

2. Lalu buat new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) lalu klik Brush tool kasih warna orange ya gan... kira2 jadinya kek gmbar dibawah ini
tutorial photoshop

3 Abis ntu... [ Download image ] drag Render image yg ane sertain td gan... lalu potong tangan kanannya buat dikasihin tangan kiri kan g da gan jgn lupa di duplicate ya(Ctrl+J)... sesuain aj udah gan...

tutorial photoshop

4. Trs buang bawahannya yg kepotong td gan... terus flatten deh (Layer >> Flatten Image) tar pasti nyatu tuh... kl udah gitu tinggal drag lg aj/masukin ke page yg pertama kita buat td gan..
tutorial photoshop

tutorial photoshop

5. Maih kerja di layer ini, tekan Ctrl+J gan.. udah gt ubah Blendingnya jd Color trs warnain neh layer pk warna orange kek yg diatas td gan
tutorial photoshop
Biar kesannya panas beneran gan... mgkin da cara lain... tp saya jg lg blajar gan jd kita FreshTea aja (Ambil Enaknya aj...wkwkwk)

6. Ganti Backgroun n Foregroundnya jd Putih item gan...
tutorial photoshop

7. Udah kan gan? Kita bikin new layer lg, sekarang kita buat apinya, kl udah bkin new layer lg.. Lalu klik Add a layer style trs pilih Outer Glow.
tutorial photoshop

8. Abis itu bakalan muncul Docker Windows kek dibawah ini gan...
tutorial photoshop
Klik pada kotak no. 1, ganti warnanya jd merah gan... lalu ubah Blendingnya jd HardLight.. lakukan hal yg sama pada inner glownya gan cm bedanya inner glow ini agan ganti warnanya jd orange...

9. Trs tinggal Replace brushnya ke brush api gan (rons__flames) trs tempatin aj sesuka agan tuh brushnya (maksudnya klik dimana yg mo dikasih api gan... wkwkwk) jadinya kek dibawah ini gan...
Download Brush Api 1 - rons__flames [ download disini ]
Untuk cara pemasangan brush pada photoshop sudah dijelaskan di Photoshop Dasar tinggal dicari aja gan tutorialnya
tutorial photoshop

10. Aktipin Layer 1 gan... lupa td... wkwk...
tutorial photoshop
Kalo udah aktip... bkin new layer lg gan... trs kasih efek kek yg diatas td... langkah2nya sama aj gan... otre?
tutorial photoshop

Download Brush Api 2 - LadyVictoire_Flares [ download disini ]
Trs ganti brushnya ke “LadyVictoire_Flares_2” klik aj dibelakang pala tuh mantan saya... xixixi....
tutorial photoshop

11. Lalu make New Layer lg gan... kasih efek yg sama lg

12. Download Brush Api 3 - SS-arcane-circles [ download disini ]
Trs ganti brushnya lg ke “SS-arcane-circles” gan klik ditengah2 mantan saya tadi gan... wkwkwk... udah deh jadi...

Hasilnya kurang lebih seperti ini:

Tutorial Photoshop IronMan

Laststart popping on the screen, like the Terminator view. That really inspired me and I decided to try that in Adobe Photoshop. weekend I was watching the Iron Man movie and I was blown away by some of the effects I saw. Loved the bombs and some interface designs, in special when he puts the mask and lots of cool elements

Iron Man Interface  in Photoshop

So in this tutorial I will show you how to create the Iron Man screen interface, I don’t even know if I can call it that way :) . We will use Illustrator to create some vectors and Photoshop to put everything together.

Step 1

Create a new document and fill the background layer with black. I used 1920×1200 pixels for the size.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 2

Now let’s use a photo. I’m using a photo of Paulo, one of our writers here on abduzeedo, he’s an ironman fan and asked me to use his picture.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 3 – Digital Make Up

Create a new folder on the Layer Palette and rename it to Face. Then move the photo layer to this new folder. After that select the folder again and go to Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal All. Now with the Brush Tool (B) paint with Black to hide the areas we don’t need.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 4

Duplicate the layer and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 6 pixels for the Radius. Actually this step is from the Really Cool Digital Make Up tutorial. But as you can see I added more things to it, there are some areas burned for example. To do that, select the Burn Tool(O) and paint some areas we want to be darker. Use the image below for reference. Also use the Dodge Tool(O) to make some areas lighter.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 5

With the Eraser Tool (E) delete the areas we want to keep them sharp and crisp, like the eyes, beard, hair. Basicaly just leave the skin areas.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 6

Duplicate the original photo, not the blurry one and go to Filter>Other>High Pass. Again this is from another tutorial I wrote, the How to Enhance Your Images in Photoshop ( Change the Blend Mode of this layer to Hard Light. Again you can use the Eraser Tool to delete some areas like the image below.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 7

Select the first layer, the one with the original photo and then with the Dodge Tool (O) paint the eyes to make them much brighter. Also with the Burn Tool(0) make othe areas even darker. You can use these 2 tools on the other layers as well.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 8

Go to Image>Adjustment>Hue/Saturation. Make the image darker and less saturated. I used -3 for the Hue, -32 for the Saturation, and -38 for the Lightness.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 9 (Illustrator)

I used Illustrator to create the interface elements, but you can use any tool or even Photoshop. But for me Illustrator was easier and more agile for the whole process. Anyway, create to ellipses with the Ellipse Tool (L). Then use the Blend Tool (W) to create more copies of the circles.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 10

Go to Object>Expand and expand the Blend. Then go to Object>Ungroup. You will be able to edit each circle now. With the Direct Selection Tool (A), select some segments of the circle and delete them. Use the Pen Tool (P) to add more Anchor Points. Use the image below for reference.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 11

Create more elements, use the Line Segment Tool (\) and the Polar Grid Tool to add more elements.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 12

Keep adding elements, like arrows using the Polygon and Star Tool. Also create different shapes, you can even add texts or numbers.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 13

Create more circles too, this time however rescale them to give the idea that they are coming from a different angle, then just repeat the previous steps to create more elements and delete some segments. Use the image below for reference.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 14

Back to Photoshop, what you will have to do is copy and paste the elements from Illustrator to Photoshop. But you will have to do that for each object instead copy and paste all at once. So copy the first circle segment and paste it as Smart Object. Then let’s apply some Layer Styles. Reduce the Layer Opacity to 30% and select Color Overlay. Use a nice cyan color, the one I used was #00eaff.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 14

For each element apply a Gaussian Blur. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use different values for each element. But try to add more blur to the bigger ones.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 15

For some elements change the Color Overlay to green like the one on the image below. That will create a nicer effect than just one color. Also keep pasting the elements from Illustrator to Photoshop.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 16

Group the elements you pasted in Photoshop and rename the group to Left Eye. Duplicate this group and go to Layer>Merge Group. You will have one layer with all objects. This layer has to be on top of the “Left eye” group. Then group this element layer, it will be inside a folder. Change the folder’s Blend Mode to Color Dodge and apply a Layer Style to the layer. Change the Opacity to 70% and select the Color Overlay. Use white for the color. That will create a nice light effect and keep the colors.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 17

Here I added more elements from Illustrator, this time I used a red for the color. I just repeated the previous steps, paste it, apply the layer style with 30% opacity and Color Overlay, then I add the Gaussian Blur. Also I duplicated the layer and grouped it, change the Blend Mode of this new folder to Color Dodge and changed the Color Overlay of the duplicated layer to White and the opacity to 70%. Again that is just to create a sort of glow to the objects.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 18

Here I just added the other elements I had created in Illustrator. Always repeate the previous steps to create the same effect to all objects.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop

Step 19

Create a new layer on top of the other layers. Then select the Gradient Tool(G) and click on the gradient colors to open the Gradient Editor (1). Change the colors to Black and White and the Gradient Type to Noise (2). Then change the Roughness to 100% and select Restict Colors and Add Transparency. After that choose the Angle Gradient (3) and just fill the layer with the gradient you created. Start it from the left eye, right in the middle of the eye (4).

With the layer filled with the color rays, go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate. Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 6 pixels for the Radius. After that just apply the layer style you used for the other elements, adding a color overlay. But for this layer reduce the opacity to 70%. Also with the Eraser Tool (E), erase the are close to the eye (5). Use the image below for reference.

Iron Man  Interface in Photoshop


Now just add some black bars to make it looks like a wide screen video and your logo. It’s a very nice effect inspired by the Iron Man movie and the cool thing for me is that I was looking for some cool ideas for tutorials then watching that movie was very good because it had lots of great effects like when that Jericho bomb explodes for example.

Anwyay, I hope you have enjoyed the this tutorial and learned something from it. It’s just a very quick overview and probably there are different ways to do that.

Iron Man Interface in  Photoshop