Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Zombie Efeck Photoshop

Step 1.
First of all import an image of someones's face. For this tutorial an image found on free stock photography site will be used. Make sure the image is black and white (image > adjustments > desturate) and has been resized to been resized to 500x375. Choose the polygonal lasso tool (L) and create a selection around the man. It doesn't have to be perfect, since a rough texture will be used later, covering up any minor inprefections. One you've completed a selection around the man, cut the layer (layer via cut) from the background. Name the background "background", duplicate the layer of the man, naming them "1" and "2" (image b).
Step 2.
Next, adjust the color, of the layer "1", making sure to check "colorize"
Step 3.
Adjust the color of layer "2", also using "colorize". Create a duplicate of layer "2" called "3" and then make the layer invisible from the layers panel (image b).
Step 4.
Next, choose layer "2", from the layers panel, and select pattern overlay (layer > layer style > pattern overlay). Click the button circled in white, then the arrow circled in red, and choose "Rock Patterns"
Step 5.
The the "Red Rocks" pattern, with the settings shown below.
Step 6.
From the layer's panel, change the blending mode of the layer to "Screen" and the opacity toi 65%.
Step 7.
You should end up with something like in the iage below.

Step 12.
This is the 3rd part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, change the blending mode of layer "3" to Screen and the opacity to 25%.

Step 13.
Use the polygonal lasso tool to cut (layer via cut) the shoulder part of layer "3" into a new layer. Change the blending mode of the new layer to Color Burn and it's opacity to 50%.
Step 14.
Choose the background layer and change it's color (image > adjustments > hue/saturation). Next go to Part 4 of this Photoshop tutorial.

Step 15.
This is the final part of this Photoshop tutorial. Choose the Brush Tool (B), set the foreground color to black choose the settings shown below. Create a new layer above layer "3" and use the brush on the background part, making sure to avoid the face. This is to make the scene seem a little dark.

Step 16.
Once you've done the right left side, do the same to the right.

Step 17.
Next, flatten the image (layer > flatten image) and apply the "unsharp mask" (filter > sharpen > unsharp mask), using the settings shown below.
Step 18.
And that brings us to the end of this Photoshop tutorial!

Sumber :www.flash-game-design.com

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